SYSTEM NOTICE: The USACRC will be performing maintenance on the TRiPS application on Monday, 1 February 2025, 1330-1530 CST (1930-2130 ZULU). Users will experience a brief interruption of service during the time the maintenance is taking place. Please plan accordingly.
SYSTEM NOTICE: Due to recent application and security updates, the TRiPS application cannot currently produce PDFs of your assessment and we are currently working to resolve this issue. Due to this fact, you will need to manually print your assessment to a PDF and forward to your supervisor. We apologize for any inconvenience as we are working to resolve the issue!

NOTICE: TRiPS is no longer a regulatory requirement. USACRC will continue to host the program on its website. Although no longer mandatory, TRiPS has proven to be a valuable tool for travel planning.  Historically, users are less likely to have a travel related mishap while on leave, pass or TDY when leadership is engaged and reviews their personnel's travel plans.



It’s a horrible job telling a family that their loved one is dead. It is even more sobering when it happened in a POV.

TRiPS is a mission planning tool and your drive is your mission. Will this program prevent you from having an accident? NO! This assessment is designed to reinforce common sense driving such as: staying alert, not drinking, getting adequate sleep, wearing your seatbelt, and slowing down. You will also read true accident stories that happened to real Soldiers -- just like you driving home on leave.

So do your part. Fill out TRiPS and have your supervisor review it. Be aware of driving risks and take appropriate action.